Adjust Keyboardy to tailor it to your use case

Whether you want to use Keyboardy with your left or right hand, Changing Keyboardy's settings to match your use case is fairly easy,

Changing map on Windows and macOS:

  • Open Keyboardy
  • Navigate to the settings page
  • In the Map drop down list, choose the map you want to use
  • options

Changing map on Linux:

  • You can either specify the map location when running Keyboardy by doing: sudo ./Keyboardy.Linux --map /path/to/map.json
  • Or change Keyboardy's settings to always use a specific map by doing sudo ./Keyboardy.Linux settings --map /path/to/map.json

Test Your Custom Map

  1. Navigate to the Playground page in the Keyboardy application.
  2. You should see the name of the map, the reflector, and the shift names displayed.
  3. Use the Try it out section to type and see if the map is functioning as expected. Test various keys to confirm that the custom mapping aligns with your intended layout.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Backup your custom maps: Keep a copy of your .kbdy files in a safe location.
  • Check for updates: Ensure that you are using the latest version of Keyboardy for compatibility with custom maps.